TWO HAMMOND X66s FOR SALE$2495.00 each. Both are from our club vice president's
personal collection. Both have been exclusively in private homes, and
have never been used in clubs or on the road as touring instruments. |
There is no other electronic organ quite
like a Hammond, and there is no other Hammond like the fabulous X66.
The X66 does a lot more than the famous B3. Designed to imitate and emulate the theater pipe organ to some degree and yet also to be a unique instrument in its own right, the X66 is by far the most versatile Hammond. These instruments allow the musician to be more imaginative and creative than any other comparable instrument. Recently twoX66s have become available. This is the principal instrument that we use at the NSHOS for all of our concerts. This is also the Hammond that both the club president and vice president have and use in their homes. The special features and playing conveniences on the X66 bring out the very best that an artist can be in the medium of electronic organ music. Extra drawbars give you a wealth of additonal tonalities not found in standard Hammonds. Percussion voices that behave like real percussions add a multitude of possibilities to your playing. Extra complex or "formanted" orchestral voices add a new dimension to the X66 Hammond sound, and you can combine these with the drawbar voices to create thousands of composite tonalities that are not available on any other instrument. Pedal bass controlled by 5 drawbars and three tabs means a wealth of really neat pedal sounds, and for those of you who so desire, it's possible to play more than one note at a time on the X66 pedals. For a beginner, the multiple tonalities of the X66 pedals will add a new dimension to your bass lines. The famous Hammond scanner vibrato has been greatly enhanced in these instruments, and along with that is a special slow-scan celeste effect that emulates the slow "chorale" setting on a Leslie speaker, and a special "bass vibrato" produced by an entirely different method significantly improves the vibrato effect on the lower pitches of the drawbar voices. Play even one single note with the various vibratos on and it will sound like a veritable chorus of multiple instruments. For richness in sound that adds new life and excitement to your playing, the X66 is the answer. Five independent audio channels give you marvelous stereo effects not possible on lesser instruments, likewise taking your playing to an entirely new and higher level. There are many other features too numerous to elaborate here, but suffice it to say that the X66 is light-years ahead of other comparable instruments. After you've spent a little time on an X66, a B3 will never be quite the same in your opinion. These two instruments are privately owned by NSHOS vice president Jim Gregory, and are stored in a good environment. They are in great condition cosmetically, as they have lived their lives in private homes rather than being on the road. As can be expected with any instrument this age, they may need to be gone over by a service tech who is familiar with X66s to make sure that all of their features and functions are operating at 100%. Each includes the special, matching 5 channel series 12 tone cabinet that Hammond designed specifically for the X66. These are being offered for $2495 each. A quantity discount is available if you decide to purchase both of them. Also, if you wish to purchase just the X66 console and play it through your own Leslies or other speaker or sound systems without the special Hammond series 12 tone cabinet, the price is then $1995.00 for the console alone. |
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