* SPECIAL NOTE: Hammond X66 organs are very complicated and very different from standard Hammonds. in some instances an X66 repair may require many hours of diagnostic time, and if a repair is major, we may request that you ship the instrument to our location in MA. This would also be necessary if the instrument is located outside of New England, (ME, MA, NH, VT, CT, or RI.) In rare instances if there is sufficient damage, we may not attempt any repairs. Also, if your Hammond has been considerably previously altered from its original state and there is no documentation regarding these changes, we will need to figure out what the changes are and how do they affect the instrument before attempting any repair work. If sloppy or careless previous repair work has resulted in additional problems, we may decide not to attempt any repairs. Likewise, we do not attempt any repairs if there is evidence of severe mice or other rodent damage in any instrument, which in some instances can be a health hazard as well as the cause of major destruction of delicate electronic assemblies.
A classic! A Hammond B3 console.
The other classic! A Hammond C3. Musically, mechanically and electrically, the C3 is identical to the B3. The only difference between this and the B3 is the style of the console. If you are contemplating getting a classic Hammond, you will save probably around $1000 by purchasing a C3 and still get the exact same instrument as the B3!
The two speaker cabinets that are usually used with the B3 and C3 above: a Leslie 122 on the left, and a Hammond PR-40 on the right. Many installations include at least one of both types, although the basic package that Laurens Hammond wanted was the B3 with only Hammond's own PR-40s.